
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Groundbreaking Inauguration at Bafut: Mayor Langsi Applauded

There was seventh heaven at     Nibe,Swie and Nchum in Bafut last February 17, 2011 when Langsi Abel, personally inaugurated three projects. Mayor Langsi Abel who was flanked by Bafut Council executive, councilors and the alternate Member of Parliament for Bafut/Tubah stormed the Nibe quarter to handover to the community a bridge and road leading to GSS Agyati. In an appreciative note, the senior quarter head for Nibe expressed gratitude to the Bafut council for responding to their cry. He added that Nibe people will only give their votes to someone who wants to work with them. He expressed gratitude to Bafut council for the timely intervention. To Mbah Patrick Fon, the Principal of GSS Agyati, the project will be used for the purpose it deserve giving that the bridge and the road is their future. He however noted with satisfaction the contribution and the sacrifices the mayor of Bafut has been doing to promote access to education. Like Oliver Twist the Principal said they need more facilities especially potable water, electricity and classrooms. Before cutting the ribbon, Langsi Abel told teachers, parents and students that the creation of GSS Agyati is a dream come true reasons why the council will spare no effort to ensure that the site to host the school is developed. He announced to the applause of the population that GSS Agyati has been awarded two classrooms by the council and an additional two classrooms by government.
Trumpet Blast at Swie
At Swie, Mayor Langsi Abel inaugurated the bridge linking Swie to Agyati. He said that Bafut had proposed a large piece of land at Swie to host one of the faculties of the university reasons why the council thought it necessary to construct the bridge leading to the area. Emphasizing on participatory development, Mayor Langsi Abel told the population that even though the bridge was constructed by the council, it is the property of the community.
Showers of blessing at Nchum
At about 3 pm, Mayor Langsi and his encourage stormed Nchum quarter along the Wum road. Excitement and ecstasy took the stage as the population was waiting anxiously to receive the project. The Nchum Community Action Center according to the mayor of Bafut will empower youths in various trades such as dress designing, ICTs and other activities in order to eradicate unemployment. The Nchum Community Action Center is a multi-functional structure which according to Langsi Abel will serve for various activities and feasts. He thanked the population and GP DERUDEP for their support. He applauded the community participation spirit in enshrined during the execution of the project and reiteriated that the construction project was realized to the tune of 29 million FCFA. The Bafut council contributed 2 million FCFA, the Nchum Community 3 million FCF

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