
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Edwin Fongod Is New Director of Costumes

Edwin Fongod: Director of Costumes

Edwin Fongod Nuvaga has been appointed as the new Director of customs, following a presidential decree signed on Monday. Edwin Fongod who formerly was the chief IT department in the same administration, takes over from Minette Libom Likeng Li, appointed Minister of Post and Telecommunications since October 2, 2015. Edwin Fongod NuvagaLe the newly promoted, who also is barely in his fifties, inherits a house which public opinions have not stopped decrying several abuses for years in terms of corruption and obnoxious financial racketeering. According to a recent government report, the customs department loses FCFA 200 to 300 billion between 200 and 300 billion FCFA in revenue per year compared to the real potential foreign trade value due to poor practices existing in the  Port Douala, the economic metropolis. Commentators say revenue could rise to more than double if Fongod could try to bridge the gabs by instilling control over the value of goods and eradicate the proliferation of false exemptions, exemptions for large-scale import audit certificates (AVI) and the taxable value of allowances on used vehicles, and other imported goods. It should be noted that Edwin Fongod hails from Bali in the North West Region of Cameroon

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