
Monday, March 14, 2016

Open Call for Nominations for Unique Candidate for an Anglophone for Presidency 2018

Open Call for Nominations for Unique Candidate 
for an Anglophone for Presidency 2018

The call for nominations is now open and the collective for an Anglophone for Presidency 2018 led by Cameroon Journalists4Justice and the Rule of law, CJ4J, are seeking across-the-board nominations for a suitably qualified candidate for an Anglophone for Presidency 2018.
Nominators Must be Cameroonians of voting age and whose names Must be on the voter roll.
Nominees Must be bona fide Anglophones who apart from fulfilling the conditions outlined in our first ‘A People’s Call for an Anglophone for Presidency 2018’ of February 10, 2016, should have bona fides credentials that set them aside from others.
Apart from being perfectly bilingual and ready to protect and promote the bi-jurial, bi-educational and bi-administrative nature of our country, the nominee should be open to reintroducing the two-state federation in Cameroon as obtained after independence.
To nominate any candidate, nominators should also take into consideration the following criteria that make for a good candidate for the country’s top job:
-Organizational Leadership: Given that Presidents depend on a large team of advisers to help them make informed policy decisions, nominators should take into consideration the nominee’s ability to organize an effective team and then get as much as possible from the team. Attention should be paid to the candidate’s ability to debate with his/her advisers on the merits of a given decision taking into consideration the fact that an important part of organizational leadership is the ability to minimize the tendency of subordinates to tell their boss what they sense s/he wants to hear, as obtains now in Cameroon.
-Knowledge about contemporary issues: The nominee should be someone who is knowledgeable about the issues of the day and be capable of discussing them freely with the local media and the public. Note should be taken to the fact that the more informed a candidate is on the issues, the more detailed he/she can be in policy prescriptions.
-Personal Character: Given the critical nature of the Anglophone public and given that generally, voters would look beyond the issues into the personal character of the presidential candidate, nominators should do us a better job of nominating only people who are generally perceived by the public to be honest and trustworthy, even as we know that ‘there is no art to find the mind’s construct in the face’.
-Respect for constitution: Given the colossal torments our organic law or constitution has undergone in recent years as it has been severally changed and revised in much the same way school text books have been, nominators should look out for a candidate who demonstrate evidence for the respect of our fundamental laws. The next President of Cameroon MUST be someone who is knowledgeable on the legal boundaries of executive powers and a history of applying the constitution to every piece of legislation and policy question.
-Flexible Mind: A 21st century president who is ready to lead Cameroon into emergence earlier than 2035, would be like a hedgehog, grappling with a lot of different issues simultaneously-ranging from unplanned crisis events through domestic to foreign issues. Flexibility is an asset here given that the president will be making important decisions on many very different issues on a daily basis.
Over and above these considerations, you should strive to nominate candidates who care about the needs of people like you, and who do not change their positions on issues for political reasons.
At this stage of the nomination process, party affiliation does not count as we are working toward a coalition candidate.
Submit Your nominations [people can also nominate themselves] and tell us who and why you think the nominee should be the Anglophone candidate for presidency 2018.
All eligible nominees are posted on the nomination gallery where YOU will be able to endorse the candidate you will support. Nominees will be evaluated by our panel of judges and the shortlisted candidates would be announced by April 30, 2016. All shortlisted candidates will receive widespread visibility through our social media channels before the last round of online and offline voting for the unique Anglophone candidate for Presidency 2018 commences on May 14, 2016.
Nominator’s Name--------------------------
Date and place of birth----------------------
Contact details---------------------------------
Name of Person [s] you are nominating--------------------------------     -----------------------------------
Nominee’s place of birth and residence--------------------------------   -------------------------------------
Reasons you think s/he should be unique Anglophone candidate for presidency 2018 [Refer to criteria above and our earlier releases]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gwain Colbert
Anglophone 4 Presidency 18
Cell: 677852476

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